Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Being and adult... What??


Being an adult is funny.

I am in the process of arranging my trip to the US and my co has been generous and delightful in his offer to pay for my tickets. The funny thing is that in my mind "Get the tickets" has ment literally getting the tickets together and just handing them to me and geting me on a plane. It never occured to me that I might actually have to PARTICIPATE in the whole process, so when he called me to clarify on the dates I was in shock.

It was funny because he was like "It seems like you haven't thought about this..." and in a way he was right. Not that I hadn't thought about the dates, but that I haven't thought about the logistics of actually getting the tickets.

So I sort of flipped out like I usually do with the "This one, no, this one, no... This One!" thing, and thank god it was late and he is mature enough to say "It's late. Let's do this tomorrow." Rather than getting stuck in my confused, and confusing supersticious, half informed, paranoid, and stress induced mish mash.

I have to say that in this moment, I am incredibly greatful to my boyfriends resolve, eventhough sometimes it gets on my nerves! Lol.

But, as you can probably tell by the pace of this text, I am super excited. He suggested that I sleep on my decisions around dates and I did that. When I woke up I felt excited and I also felt like I was ready to calmly participate in the process of purchasing flight tickets, without freaking out.

Let's see how it goes!

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