Friday, February 5, 2010

Long time, no be.

I haven't written for a long time, at least not before my trip so a bit over a month I guess it has been. I sort of stopped writing when I realized my co was reading pretty regularly and I got shy.

I feel a little better now, and even though maybe no one else reads of knows about this blog maybe I will just keep it up because I like to blog, I want to blog, and I think I've come up with a pretty sweet address so I'm gonna keep it...

Anyway I am doing and internship at gallery/book store, and it's really cool because here was have zines and stuff which I can read all day. I've gotten into some of them and it's been nice. I discovered that we even have one book that is a publication of Wesley Willis' drawings. I was pretty blown away and excited about finding it, because when I was in highschool I was pretty into his music, and saw him live, but I never knew he drew also. It's amazing how some people, just being so much in their own world can create the most bizzare and amazing stuff.

Admittedly I got annoyed about the whole Wesley Willis cult thing because I thought it was really racist and exploitive. I wish I had discovered his drawings earlier, but it was a pleasent surprise anyway.